Israel, 2006, 60 Min., Video, Hebrew and Arabic, English Subtitles
A film-diary based on a soccer match, played out within a
democracy in conflict. Against all odds, the tiny Arab soccer club Bnei Sakhnin (literally “The Sons of Sakhnin”) wins Israel’s State Cup. The first Arab club in the top league struggels for survival in the league; a metaphor of the Arab minority battling for survival in the "League of Acceptance" of Israeli society. The soul of Arab Sakhnin takes on the soul of Jewish Israel in the “mother of all contests” - Minority vs. Majority. Could the cardinal issues of discrimination, equality, identity and coexistence be stuffed into the one round ball?
Director: Jerrold Kessel, Pierre Klochendler
Producer: Jerrold Kessel, Pierre Klochendler
Cinematography: Pierre Klochendler
Editor: Michel Klochendler
Sound Designer: Michel Klochendler
Trailer: http://www.docmovies.com/He/docaviv27.html
Cinematheque 1, 07/04/2006, 12:30