USA, 2006, 100 Min., Video, English, Hebrew Subtitles
A film that follows the complexity of creating the television
show ”Sesame Street” world wide. The show, created in 1968, is presently broadcasted in 120 countries. It has special, cultural adaptations to suit children of various countries. The film focuses on three countries: South Africa, where one of the puppets representing an HIV positive girl, produced loud protest from religious groups in the US. Another country is Kosovo, where Albanian and Serb crews try to collaborate in spite of mutual suspicions and hate. The renewal of violence while filming there did not contribute to the prospects of comradeship to say the least. Third is Bangladesh – where floods, bureaucracy and terrorist attacks delay the production. The film shows how socially committed television can bring about social change. 
Director: Linda Goldstein Knowlton, Linda Hawkins Costigan
Producer: Linda Goldstein Knowlton, Linda Hawkins Costigan
Cinematography: Marco Franzoni
Editor: Kate Amend
Eshkol Payis, 01/04/2006, 18:00
Cinematheque 2, 04/04/2006, 15:00
Cinematheque 2, 08/04/2006, 10:00