Germany, 2005, 90 Min., Video, English, No Subtitles
J. J. Cale writes and performs for over forty years with almost the same faithful band, concert tour around America. Among those influenced by him are the "Dire Straits", Brian Ferry, Neil Young and of course Eric Clapton, whose two greatest hits, "Cocaine" and "After Midnight" are arrangements to cale’s songs. The film follows his last tour during which he returns to his home town, Tulsa, meets Eric Clapton in Dallas and emonstrates his laid back guitar playing, identifiable with  he "Tulsa Sound" for which he is credited. The film recreates his childhood in Tulsa, the wild Sixties in LA and the fame  hich
came after Claptons adoptations to his songs. A  ockomentary" film which escapes the routine of rock performances, owing it to the easy going approach which is in tune with Cale’s character and the unique photography of Roland Wagner.
Director: Jorg Bundschuh
Producer: Jorg Bundschuh
Cinematography: Roland Wagner
Editor: Carmen Kirchweger
Cinematheque 1, 30/03/2006, 24:30
Cinematheque 2, 01/04/2006, 24:00
Cinematheque 2, 06/04/2006, 22:00