Italy, 2005, 85 Min., Video, Italian, English & Hebrew Subtitles
At the age of twelve Nicola De Leo already knew that he wanted to become a woman. Now, over forty years old, he is a few steps away from realizing his dream. We meet Nicola dring  preparations for his last operation that will finally turn him into Nicole. Until now Nicole has been treated with hormones and has developed breasts but she’s still trapped in an aging male body, with a prominent Adams apple, a penis and facial hair. In order to pay for the cosmetic treatments, Nicole earned her living through preforming, selling hats in a Venetian hat store and as a prostitute. The excruciating physical pain of this process is insignificant compared with the emotional anguish Nicole suffers at the reaction of her conservative family, especially from her aged mother who has difficulty accepting the  iddle aged woman as her once delicate son.
Director: Alberto Vendemmiati
Producer: Gianluca Arcopinto, Andrea Fornari, Alberto Vendemmiati
Cinematography: Alberto Vendemmiati
Editor: Alessio Duglione, Alberto Vendemmiati
Cinematheque 1, 31/03/2006, 18:00
Cinematheque 2, 01/04/2006, 22:00
Cinematheque 1, 07/04/2006, 24:00